Tomorrow we have Jobless Claims, Retail Sales, Import and Export Prices, EIA Natural Gas Report, 5 Yr-TIPS, and a 30 Yr_Bond Auction.

Where did all the PANIC go? Dow, S&P, all reverse from sharply lower to higher on the day.

Dow was down 277 points and traded all the way back to unchanged to higher.

The S&P futures sold off all the way down to 2050, VIX got back down to 13.77.

PPT / S&P China Push back.

Margin calls and forced liquidation = capitulation.

High: 2084.50 Late
Low: 2047.00 Early morning
Last: 2081.70 Up 2 Handles
Volume: 2.35mil ESU and 9k SPU traded in the pit.
MOC: Sell $340mil

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