HIGH: 2143.50 MID DAY
LAST: 2133.50 UP 3.5 HANDLES
TOTAL VOLUME: 1.35 mil minis, and 550 bigs traded in the pit

Bank Reserve Settlement, MBA Mortgage Applications, Wholesale Trade, EIA Petroleum Status Report, a 10-Yr Note Auction, Neel Kashkari Speaks, and John Williams Speaks.

These are not our fathers markets, nor are they our fathers charts, and it’s never going back.

We’re coming into the end of earnings season.

It takes days and weeks to knock the S&P down, and only 1 to bring it back.

9 day decline was the longest in 36 years.

Biggest one day rally for all 3 indicies since March 1.

This has been a very hard trade. It’s almost better to take a back seat to this.

Goldman says the S&P will close out the year at 2100.

Volume is a little lower than yesterday…Risk off.

My gut says once the news comes out about the election, start looking for a low.

Tune into the MrTopStep Periscope channel tonight for some election market updates.

MrTopStep Group

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