Life and trading have a lot in common. Sometimes there are big ups, sometimes there are big downs, and sometimes it’s in between. What we learn is that life is not a bowl of cherries, but if you strive to better yourself it requires hard honest work, and even then you may not get paid. But, there is a silver lining, if you stay true to yourself and your efforts, it will be the best path to success, even if you do not make millions of dollars. Life’s richness is not evaluated by the Rolex on your wrist or the Ferrari you drive, it is about being true to yourself, your family, and your friends. When you lose track of that you lose the most important things in life, and unlike the ‘next trade’, they are impossible to replace.
The 2007 credit crisis made rich people poor and poor people rich. With the S&P up 280% since the March 2009, 666 low, and interest rates on the rise, the big question is, is it time to ‘take the money’, or continue to hold on? That answer is up to each individual to decide. If I was lucky, I would probably take some money off the table, but I have never been lucky. I always had to work longer and harder than the next guy, but thats all part of a bigger game plan that I have no control over.
When I didn’t get to go to college because my dads company went out of business in my senior year of high school, I didn’t blame my dad. Even though he still wanted to pay for college, I could not do that to him. I made the best of a bad situation and ended up a runner on the Board of Trade floor where I watched my friends go on to make millions of dollars. I never made it to that level, as I have always said, I have been to the top and the bottom of the mountain, and I am somewhere in between. One thing I learned is that when I made a mistake I admitted it. That could be one of my biggest faults, but that’s how I lived my life, and I think when others make mistakes it’s the best way to go, rather than living a lie.
When i was in high school my dad started telling me that life’s too short. It bothered me as to why he kept saying it, but as i got older, and my oldest sister Sharon and my oldest brother passed away, I figured it out. Not matter what life throws at you, you have to get up every day, shake it off, and tell yourself you can do it. You have to have the attitude that there is no mountain too high to climb, and that there is nothing you can’t do. Will it all go your way? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean you’re supposed to throw in the towel. Life is all about trial and error, and without error you can’t learn from your mistakes. If 2017 was not your year, start looking forward to 2018 and try and use the past as a guide to the future. Make the best of what you have, and always remember your roots.
We can’t change that past, but we can make the future better, and learning to love yourself and respect others is the first step to success.
Best of luck in 2018,
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