Tomorrow, we have Chain Store Sales, Challenger Jobs Cut Report, Jobless Claims, Productivity and Cost, Gallup US Payroll to Population, Factory Orders, EIA Natural Gas Report, 3 and 10 Yr-Note Auction, 30 –Yr Bond Auction, Treasury STRIPS, Fed Balance Sheet and Money Supply.

Like the title of today’s video I really believe you have to think like an algo.

Two weeks ago I said the bus was getting too full on the upside and that we needed a 30 to 35 handle pull back and I pointed out where the sell stops were. 2106 down to 2096 and again under 2091 down to 2085 – 2085 was today’s low.

Charts are showing one thing and the algos are saying something different. Bus to full 2 weeks ago on the upside and bus too full on the downside today.. I called both.

I want to do a shout out to all of the MrTopStep collective for working so hard to get the PitBull webinar and boot camp off the ground and I also want to thank all the traders in the MrTopStep room. Great bunch of people all united for the same cause…

Want to know what I think? Were going back up but if you want to know more…Join the boot camp.. see what I see…
High: 2099.50 on the open
Low: 2085.50 mid morning
Last: 2092.80 last down 12 handles
Volume: 1.2mil ESH and 6kSPH traded in the pit
MOC: Too early

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