Tomorrow we have Federal Reserve Vice Chair Stanley Fischer speaking to Bundesbank conference on bank regulation, in Frankfurt, GDP, Corporate Profits, Consumer Sentiment and Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen speech on monetary policy at San Francisco Fed conference.

Made a low at 2033.25 / Ran Buy Stops all the way up to 2058.75.

We put out buy stops 2058.7- to 2063.00.

Talk about how the ES makes its lows in globex.

Talk about how once all the big news and margin call go out its time to start going back up.

High: 2058.50 Early Afternoon
Low: 2037.00 Early
Last: 2050.00 Down 3.8 Handles
MOC: MiM showed sell $423mil; Actual MOC Sell $300mil
Volume: 1.75mil ESM and 5.5 k SPM traded in the pit.

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