Tomorrow, Alcoa kicks off the earnings season, MBA Mortgage Application, Federal Reserve Gov. Jerome Powell speech on monetary policy challenges, in New York, EIA Petroleum Status Report, a 10 Yr-Note Auction, and FOMC Minutes.

I have a song for you…Oh where o where has the volume gone, oh where oh where has it gone?

Better yet, PitBull has a song…Take out the buy stops / take out the sell stops…All kind of sounds the same to me.

Despite all the ups and downs, the S&P is up a whopping 1.4% on the year!!!

S&P has been going nowhere FAST.

FOMC Minutes will reconstitute the same stuff, that the fed will remain data dependent.

Again, going no where FAST

High: 2082.50 Mid-Afternoon
Low: 2068.80 Late
Last: 2069.00 Down 4.2 Handles
Volume: 1mil ESM, and 2.7k SPM traded in the pit
MOC: MiM showed MOC sell $51mil ACTUAL came out BUY $70mil

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