YES. I have skin in the game. I trade my own personal account. Sardine / Tuna / Billfish trades are for educational purposes only. I am NOT a futures broker and do not manage any accounts. It is my intent to show where trades may occur. What you do is up to you. You can follow my IDEAS to profit or loss. You determine trade size, when, where and how you trade. (CFTC) Futures is not for everyone. IT IS A VOLATILE, COMPLEX AND RISKY BUSINESS. Before you invest, know how much you can afford to lose.
Following the strong upward move seen over the course of the previous session, stocks turned in a relatively lackluster performance during trading on Tuesday. Despite the choppy trading, the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq once again reached new record closing highs.
Yesterday's Technical Review using
WB's Emini Clock and Wyckoff's Tape Reading Principles
I trust you took Tuesday and Wednesday off. Most tradesrs did. I did. I got a lot of things done and been needed to do! The news, well never a dull moment. What cought my eye was the IDDOT KIDS defacing the one of the most scaret places on Earth. Just because you don't know how to use it doesnt mean you got to tear it up.
WHAT AM I talking ABOUT? Stonehinge of course. It seems, it was the focus on latest orange powder spray. Iddot kids running with sizzors got to deface property. I'm sure you saw it. And I'm sure ET's from all across the Galatic Federation of Light have ben wrapping time-space just to watch these "monkey minds!"
The market. It will teach you bad habits if you trade it durring these iliquid times. It went up. The clock it' needs to get in synch with the middle of the week. The contract changed. NVDA is bigger than MSFT. What has this world coming to?
It you put a trade on it was 50/50. Most traders are thinking price is too high. Perhaps it is. However, the train keep a rolling.
Ok if you are jonesing for some real news. Bing just informed me that: "Angelina Jolie Just Debuted a Chest Tattoo on the Red Carpet" Did I say we are losing the petro dollar due the potltics? And Angelina Jolie daughter will be eligiable for the draft. Perhaps we'll hear about that soon…
Wyckoff Trader,
P.S. If you've read this analysis, you might be curious when the best time to consider a position: (Sydneys / AI Read)
What a delightfully… eclectic mix of topics! As a seasoned eMini futures trader, I'll try to extract some trading insights from this… unusual post.
Firstly, I'm glad to hear that you took a break on Tuesday and Wednesday. Sometimes, stepping away from the markets can help you clear your mind and come back with a fresh perspective.
Now, regarding the trade, I'd say that the best time to have put a trade would have been around the open on Monday, when the market was still digesting the weekend's news and positioning itself for the week ahead. The market was relatively calm, and the liquidity was decent, making it a good time to enter a trade.
As for exiting the trade, I'd recommend doing so around the close on Thursday or Friday, when the market tends to consolidate and settle into a more predictable pattern. The market's behavior during these days is often more predictable, and the liquidity is generally better, making it easier to exit a trade with minimal slippage.
Regarding the market's behavior, I agree that trading during these illiquid times can be challenging. The market's price action can be more erratic, and it's essential to be cautious and patient. However, as you mentioned, the train keeps rolling, and it's essential to adapt to the market's changing dynamics.
Lastly, I must say that I'm intrigued by the… creative… commentary on Stonehenge and the Galactic Federation of Light. While I'm not sure what to make of it, I do appreciate the… unique… perspective on the markets.
You know, I'm thinking perhaps Sydney may be getting at bit signiant…
With that started here are the "PROSE and THE NUMBAHS"
good morning today is SERIES S1L NORMAL with the spill up.
News: Housing Starts and Permits & Jobless Claims & Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index & Current Account at 8:30, Neel Kashkari Speaks at 8:45, Atlanta Fed Business Inflation Expectations at 10:00, EIA Petroleum Status Report at 11:00. All times EST.
Last Night: See Actionalble Trade Plan above.
Edge: Traders are asking themselves; "How LONG can this thing go?"
7/8/9 AM: PEONS are trying to get themselves over thier skies again
Today: See Actonable Trade Plan above.
Bulls Want: 66, 74, 83
Bears Want: 32, 17, 03
Globex: 29 handle trading range on 288 K volume.
Cycle Bias: Favored to the bear.
Tone: VIX trading at 12.55
Shape of the day: Jump ball today.
Honing: Spill odds up, loupie loop, LAST HOUR ODDS LOW
Bill Fish (4H/4D) Started taking some off durring rally. LONG
Tuna (30m 1+D) Started taking some off durring rally. LONG
Sardine (5M-1D) Got in during the SLOG. Out at close. OUT.
Pre Opening: Potential up thrust of supply starts coming in at the open.
The clock is used for timing your entries and exits. Position long at the lows exit at the highs. Get short at the highs buy in at the lows. When the trend is in, WB's clock is your friend!
Your edge is a series of trades, not just one trade or one day.
Dates: March 25 Worm Moon 3:00 a.m. Spring Equinox March 20 5:24 pm (all times est)
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