Issue 1,782 – Copyright, 2024, by Wyckoff AM Trader

Yesterday's Recap: Good morning. Today is SERIES S1H with the spill up.

It's good to see even (some days) you get the ear of corn. Even if is a grind. Market opens up a the high of Friday and then grinds all day. Call it a grinder. That big even the 5900 was too much an attractor. Bull just had to claim it as victory. I was not able to get the Floor Traders pivots up. By my Sofware is now saying the big even was around 5900 at R2. That's a good day for the bulls.

The S1 day is a day of odds and probabilities. I felt strongly the odds were on the bulls side.

IMPRO: Wyckoff Trader :(9:45:56 AM) : Good morning. Today is SERIES S1H with the spill up.
IMPRO: Wyckoff Trader :(9:47:07 AM) : They are going to take this up to November
IMPRO: Wyckoff Trader :(9:58:47 AM) : for now seems to be no stopping the bull train

I just looked at the volume, wow that is some low volume…

Your best play is you were looking to get long was at the 11:00 am dip. It's hard to wait but Algo's favored you! You had a pullback just to the halfway retracement. And then at 2:00 pm where price dipped just to the high of day to get set up for the end of day.


Good morning. Today is SERIES S2L with the spill up.

Today's News: No news of note. All times EST.

Cycle Bias / Tone: As I've been saying I'm thinking it's going to be bullish. They will take this up till November or perhaps we'll get a surprise come round October. Either way the game is played the same. Bid it up, shake it out. Rince and repeat.

Honing (turns): Spill up, AM LOW, (NO MID AM), lunch high, mid pm low, LAST HOUR HIGH.

DAILY 5899.75

R2 5945.25
R1 5926.50
S1 5881.00
S2 5854.25

WEEK 5833.75

T 45.50 S2L 10/15/24 ESZ2024

Open 5876.50
Hod 15:50 5918.50
Lod 09:31 5873.00
Settle 5908.00

Volume 712,548

The clock is used to time your entries and exits. Position long at the lows, exit at the highs, get short at the highs, and buy-in at the lows. When the trend is in, WB's clock is your friend!

Your edge is a series of trades, not just one trade or one day.

Dates: September 17 Harvest Moon 10:34 p.m. Fall Equinox September 22 8:43 am (all times Est)


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