Issue 1,835 – Copyright, 2024, by Wyckoff AM Trader
Yesterday: Good morning. Today is SERIES S4H with the spill down.
5. Cycle Bias / Tone: We got the retreat to the AM LOW then price started lifting offers all the way up to the close. (yesterday)
Today three doors: Normal, Wedge Zoom, Link Stink. Unless bulls come in strong the GLOBEX high could be the high of the day or the target for the Wedge Zoom in the AM or PM to seek. One day or the other it will get breached.
Best way to look at yesterday is a Wedge Zoom. That's when price zooms up on the MID AM LOW or the mid pm low. As you can see, price zoomed up from the 2:30 PM plunge to shake out the weak hands. Starting at 2:31 PM the range is 6 handles on 9,000 lots. Then swells 11,00 two minutes later at 2:33 PM on 11,000 lots.
Now, price could still go lower. Referenced to the day, that down move climaxed the down move. That would be the selling climax. Before that, price was iffy and muddy as WB might have said. Notice how the zoom at 2:30 PM takes out the current high of day at the close. That's the wedge and that's the zoom.
After the close, price dips back down and then over night drips back up. My read is price is just going to keep going up but it's got the absorb the overhanging shelfs of supply till it is not longer supply and the floor traders shift sides.
I said this earlier:
So Trump is going to Monetize the American assets? Just gets better and better. I can see many ways that can go. Adds a new handle on to the negotiating. To start understanding this market better, we have to look at it as the "Art of the Deal" 2025 Edition.
What I'm saying is for some reason no other talking head has seen – we seem to be leaning in the venachalior of China. Deep seak phrases are creaping into the tech topology. Even Trump said it; "if we don't do it China will!" In a speech a few weeks ago.
Now they are saying 20 data centers in 4 years (watch that video) Why do we need them and where will they be?
It's China Socialism with a capitalist flip!
Perhaps this will help him hedge off his risk in the boondockle…
I've been talking about that and I will be the first to say: "If Trump is not careful. If Trump is out Trumped by billionaire boys club, he will be building a highway / bridge to nowhere. It might be called Trumps boondockle. If you just do the math you will see a potential 300 data centers could be built. That is if we could get the capacity for the KW/Giga Terra Watts to the concrete buildings.
(see the videos and math from the previous weeks)
All I can say is someone in the know . . . knew!
I taking all this out next week so watch it if you can. My overall read regarding the Monetize the American assets:
My take is he will use that as a vehicle for the tariffs he will be imposing on the countries. If you Rember his last term, he had some tariffs from China. By using the sovereign wealth fund, it's takes away the reach of the normal channels so it cant' be robbed by robber barons.
Good morning. Today is SERIES S1H with the spill down.
1. Last Night: Held it's range in a tight range. Grinded up waiting on the jobs number.
2. Large Size: All quite on the eastern front with the exception of the 8:30 AM news.
3. 7:00 AM / Premarket: After the jobs number price spike both ways with a 27 handle run.
4. Todays News: Employment Situation at 8:30. All times EST.
5. Cycle Bias / Tone: We will need a catalyst if price is going to take out the overhead supply. Till then is chopping away. Falling back. Regaining. Then chopping away.
6. Honing (turns): Spill odds down, loupie loop, LAST HOUR odds HIGH
7. Previous Day's Numbers:
Open 6103.75
Hod 15:56 6108.50
Lod 14:34 6070.00
Settle 6094.00
Volume 945,123
8. Floor Trader Pivots
DAILY 6090.75
R2 6129.25
R1 6111.50
S1 6073.00
S2 6052.25
WEEK 6081.00
The clock is used to time your entries and exits. Position long at the lows, exit at the highs, get short at the highs, and buy-in at the lows. When the trend is in, WB's clock is your friend!
Your edge is a series of trades, not just one trade or one day.
Dates: February 12 Snow Moon 8:53 a.m. Spring Equinox March 20 5:01 a.m. (all times Est)
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