Issue 1,850 – Copyright, 2024, by Wyckoff AM Trader

Yesterday: Good morning. Today is SERIES S1H NORMAL with the spill odds down.

Wow! That was not a S1H day. It was a down day. Sure bulls tried to hold a bid but failed. Traders are second guessing themselves, surly Trump would want the market up for his big speach. Does the market care? I'm thinking not!

Are we getting price to wholsale and below. It looks to be that way.

The best trade yesterday would have been about 10 minutes into it when price took out the currently intraday low. Globex jacked price up over Trumps tweets and something was going on with bitcoin. What those Trump siblings they are playing an inside game. Look at Januarys newsletter if you need more.

To me the best trade came about 10:40 AM. Price had already played it's hand. A strong down move from 9:35 AM to 10:15 AM marker. That's about 45 minutes. Look at the gain the bears took away. Next a 23 minute rally back up. If you were to get short, that was the place.

Another down move for 60 minutes prints a higher low. Now notice the bulls advance. A lunch SLOG for 55 minutes wetbeaks the previous rally high. If you were to add to your position, this is the place. By 1:00 PM price is back at the lows. The next rally is checked at 2:30 PM and then the bears start pressing supply.


There are many injustice in this world. One of those injustices is a million-dollar actor, who gets up to recover a reward and talks five minutes how we should make this world a better place. Asks everyone to get along, roast marshmallows over the campfire and go do a group hug. My only question is that true sincerity or is that great acting?

Acting and Trading is one of the few things you can do to make good money and not have any formal training…


Good morning. Today is SERIES S2H with the spill down.

1. Last Night: I read the news today and then I read the price action last night. And I said, "That's just about right!" Price is starting to get interesting down here. It's going to be a drag as the "Tarif Wars" start to heat up. Price just slipped on down past yesterdays close. Found a bid then started to slip back down toward the lows.

2. Large Size: No large size to speak of.

3. 7:00 AM / Premarket: Nothing moving the needle trading 5823 handle.

4. Todays News: No news of note. All times EST

5. Cycle Bias: Ok I said that the last two days last week. Volume has increased on both days. By that I'm feeling that price will need to test the lows before heading back up. Yes. And now, looks like we are doing just that! Let's see if today turnaround Tuesday or that might be are going to take price lower.

6. Honing (turns): Spill down, AM HIGH, (no mid am), lunch low, mid pm high, LAST LOW

7. Previous Day's Numbers:

Open 5984.75
Hod 09:34 5997.00
Lod 15:45 5821.75
Settle 5870.00
Volume 2,208,320

8. Floor Trader Pivots

DAILY 5896.25

R2 6071.50
R1 5970.75
S1 5795.50
S2 5721.00

WEEK 5957.58

The clock is used to time your entries and exits. Position long at the lows, exit at the highs, get short at the highs, and buy-in at the lows. When the trend is in, WB's clock is your friend!

Your edge is a series of trades, not just one trade or one day.

Dates: February 12 Snow Moon 8:53 a.m. Spring Equinox March 20 5:01 a.m. (all times Est)


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