Join Our Trading Community
MrTopStep’s IM Pro chatroom is a forum for stock market traders and investors to discuss, collaborate, and exchange trading ideas on equity, futures, ETFs and options. The community posts trade activity, technical analyses, and reviews setups and triggers.
The MrTopStep team and trading community post their trades and ideas for education and discussion. We monitor all key levels and trading setups, collaborating to enhance our learning.

Join us live every day the NYSE is open, and get access to our charts and tools, including the MrTopStep Imbalance Meter (MiM), which provides the MOC imbalance levels on the close.
MOO Data runs live from 8:00am ET until 9:30AM ET
MOC Data runs live from 3:50am ET until 4:00PM Et
Chatroom Features
24/7 access to MrTopStep’s IM Pro trading chatroom using the web software
MrTopStep traders live chat and audio, morning macro & overview
Live chat
Live chat with MrTopStep and the community to trade and learn together
Market Imbalance Meter,”MrTopStep’s direct feed for market on close and open imbalances and exclusive access to early indications.
LiveSquawk Access
Audio access to LiveSquawk’s breaking news service – a $330/month value!
Access to shared charts and setups from the community
100% full refund within the first 30 days