Tomorrow we have Jobless Claims, Retail Sales, Business Inventories, EIA Natural Gas Report, 30 Yr
Tips Announcement, 30 Yr Bond Auction, and earnings from

Euro group meeting ends with no deal. Did not present anything concrete.

Oil fell 2% down to $49 bucks – I still dont think that story is over yet.

Bad news makes the S&P sell off and gets everyone short and then the news comes out better and catches covering into the rally while the mutual funds just keeping buy everything in sight.

S&P needs a rest day…Then into the PitBull Thursday/Friday low the week before the January expo.

-Friday up 17 / down 14 of the last 31
-Monday not so good up 12 / down 6 of the last 18
-Tuesday up 21 / down 10 of the last 31
-Wednesday and Thursday are both up 16 / down 15 of the last 31
-Friday WEAK up 13 / down 18 of the last 31

See all of the expiration stats here…

High: 2069.00 Late
Low: 2053.00 Early
Last: 2063.00 UP .80 Handles
Volume: Low 1.25mil ESH and 3.2k SPH trade in the pit
MOC: MiM was showing $241 mil for sale; actual was MOC BUY $35 mil; that makes 8 straight days of buy imbalances.

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