TOMORROW we have MBA Mortgage Applications, Quarterly Services Survey, EIA Petroleum Status Report, 10-Yr Auction, and Treasury Budget.

Water falling on wooden floors will eventually rot and fall through.

Not going to happen now, but can’t rule out some type of sell off later in the summer.

This week its all about the PitBulls Thursday/Friday low the week before the June expo.

Check out the June expo stats here.

Powerful selling showing up off the MiM.

High: 2084.50 Mid-Afternoon
Low: 2070.80 Mid-Morning
Last: 2080.00 +0.50 Handles
Volume: 1.4mil ESM, and 6.5k SPMs traded in the pit.
MOC: MiM showed sell $664mil, ACTUAL was MOC sell $740mil.

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