Im back, and just to show you, I could have used this for tomorrow’s Opening Print. That said I think we are seeing a bit of the PitBull “water in the bathtub” (run the sell stops / run the buy stops) but I also think the S&P is on its way back to 2090 and then 2100.00.

Its important to remember that I do not pretend to be smarter than you. I follow “price action” in the S&P and with the futures being down 4 of the last 6 trading sessions, and the PitBulls Thursday / Friday low, I figured the bus was getting too full.

Do a time and sales on these posts, not all hit exact, but the post off the lows was right on time.

09:23:56 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) Admittedly, the markets look bad but the question you have to ask yourself, is this just another run for the downside sell stops before the futures rally back to S&P 2100.00 and beyond or the beginning of a real correction? I lean to the latter.
09:30:10 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) buys off the open
09:30:30 TRADINGDATA2: (bshepard) first print 2073.50 Globex es range 2057.00 – 2077.50 w/ 335k volume
09:32:27 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) ESM not looking so hot but PitBull Thursday Friday low the week before the May expo in effect
09:32:39 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) 6 sells in a row
09:32:56 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) 8 sells in a row
09:33:14 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) algo hell
09:41:06 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) as you all know Im a bull but I aint no fool. Despite the over all UGLY price action I think the S&P is going to go back up to 2090
09:47:28 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) Patterns fitting, cannot rule out a globex retest but I think they got em to buy today
09:51:58 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) selling off the vwap
09:53:37 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) sell program
10:15:05 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) I think we going to get a RIP here
10:16:46 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) sellers showing up again
9:40 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) buyers are filtering back in
10:23:14 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) buyer still showing up
10:26:05 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) searching for upside buy stops
10:41:20 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) nice dip back to the vwap and in comes a big buy program
10:41:45 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) there are tons of buy stops up to 2083
10:44:25 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) stops
10:44:33 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) buy program
11:18:58 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) IMPRO : Dboy1 ( 11:17:57 AM ): stops = dead ducks
11:19:11 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) up to 83 and above 86
12:13:07 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) got the first part of the stops I put out

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