Tomorrow we have MBA Purchase Applications, ADP Employment Report, Gallup US Job Creation Index, PMI Services Index, Charles Evans speaks, ISM Non-Mfg Index, EIA Petroleum Status Report, Ester George speaks, Richard Fisher speaks, Beige Book.

The old song from the PitBull is called “take out the buy stops / take out the sell stops.

MiM came out selling and the ESH rallied and then came down just before the 2:45 cash close. Still well off its lows for the day.

Just because the 2:45 cash imbalance hasem got sale that doesn’t mean you can just sell the S&P. The NYSE is just one indices , there is the S&P, the NASDAQ and RUSSELL and sometimes they sell one and buy the other.

Water in the bath tub is how the algos work- push the S&P one way then the other.

High:  2110.70 on the open
Low:   2195.50 mid day
Last:   2104.40 down 9.5 handles
Volume: Better but not large;
MOC: MiM was right, showed Sell $261mil / Actual was MOC sell $480mil

Please sign up for the MrTopStep Boot camp that starts on March 9th and get the MiM for free of a week.




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