HIGH: 2074.5 in Globex; 2073.00 Day Session
LOW: 2057.25
LAST: 2069.00 +16 Handles
TOTAL vOLUME: 2.2mil minis, and 7k bigs traded in the pit.
MOC: MiM showed $212 for sale early, then flipped to actual BUY $735mil SPX

For Next Week:

18 separate economic releases, 9 t-bill or t-bond auctions and announcements, a 2 day FED meeting, and U.S. GDP.

First off, all I gotta say is S&P 2150-2200 is on tap.

PPT / FED induced rally…Its amazing how much leverage they have when they want to put money back to work.

MTS objectives:
2045-2085-2120…If you want to know where the S&P is going, just follow the money!
We have a big webinar coming up next week…Sign up now befor it fills up!
Join me and my good friend Rob from Discovery Trading as we discuss the different types of HFT’s, and the roles they play in the today’s markets…


DTG Webinar

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