Tomorrow is the Quadruple Witching, we also have John Williams speaking, and Loretta Mester from the Fed speaking.

It takes days and weeks to knock the S&P down and the JUNE Quad Witch to help it come screaming back.

Everyone very off base going into the final 2 days of the Quad witch.

Tomorrows stats are the best of the week; up 22 / down 9 of the last 31 occasions.

I have been saying no rate hikes this year; cite CBBC pole.

More upside buy stops to run tomorrow.

High: 2118.50 Mid-Day
Low: 2097.00 Early
Last: 2013.20 Up 24 Handles
Volume: 1.85mil ESU, and 6k SPU traded in the pit.
MOC: Sell $680 mil.

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