Its that time again traders…

Gear up for another full week of trading education with MrTopStep at our February Open House!

Starting Monday, February 19th, MrTopStep will be opening our doors for all of you. From open to close, you will be able to follow along with me, and the rest of the professional traders at MrTopStep, to see how we maneuver through these markets.

The size of the moves over the last few weeks have been unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. It’s a dangerous and exciting time to be a trader. We know you have questions, and our team of professional traders is here to help guide you through the chaos.

Social trading has never been more prevalent than in these past weeks. Hedge funds have blown up, institutions are dissolving, and fortunes are being made and lost in a matter of seconds. This is not the time to be trading in seclusion.

Stop in and see what MrTopStep has to offer you, we will open your eyes!

Danny Riley



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